Winbond Monthly Revenue Report For May, 2000

(Taipei News) Winbond Electronics Corporation today announced initial financial results for the month of May 2000. Monthly revenue was NT $3.857 billion, an increase of nearly 73 percent when compared with NT $2.228 billion over the same period last year. The accumulated revenue for January through May of this year totaled approximately NT$17.033 billion, an increase of nearly 54 percent when compared with the accumulated total revenue of NT $11.072 billion over the same period last year. 

Throughout the month of May, the DRAM market remained stable showing a slight increase in pricing. In addition, many of the product lines in Winbond General IC Business Group such as consumer ICs, speech ICs, and memory ICs reported increased sales, with the revenue in May increasing by a small amount, NT$295 million, when compared with April, 2000 revenue for the same product lines. Winbond anticipates that business in the second half of the year will remain strong and that the Company DRAM Business Group will enter the period of significant production capacity expansion while transitioning to improve production procedures. Because of strong market demand and an anticipated reduction in production costs, the Company expects to experience a significant increase in profits. Winbond General IC Business Group also expects to experience a significant increase in revenue due to the introduction of new products as well as sustained and stable business growth. Overall, the Company expects excellent business results for 2000. 

Winbond Electronics Corp. Monthly Business Revenue Report (Unit: NT$ 1,000)
Monthly Revenue
Accumulated Revenue
2000  May 3,875,347  2000  Jan.~May.  17,033,588
1999  May 2,227,956  1999  Jan.~May. 11,072,093
Increase (Decrease) 73.1% Increase (Decrease) 53.8%



Note (1): The 2000 revenue is internal data and has not been audited by a CPA.


    Wilson Wen
    Vice President of Administrative Center

News Liaison
    Mike Liu
    Deputy Director

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