
1. 本人同意華邦電子(股)公司(下簡稱華邦)於辦理入廠換證之目的蒐集本人的個人資料,包括下列項目:身分證、駕照、健保卡、護照共四類之一種。
2. 個人資料蒐集、處理或利用,華邦應尊重當事人之權益,並依個人資料保護法進行處理或利用。


本人需進入華邦電子股份有限公司( 包含其關係企業,以下稱「華邦」)之營業場所,接觸相關文件、智慧財產或其他機密資訊(以下稱為「機密資料」),特此聲明:

Personal information Protection Notification

1. I, the undersigned, agreed that the Winbond Electronics Corp (below, “Winbond”) govern the collections of personal information of mine with one of the following documents, includes an ID card, a driving license, a health insurance card, a passport.
2. The rights and interests of the undersigned should be respected in collecting, processing or using personal information within the scope of the Personal Information Protection Act by Winbond.

Statement of Confidentiality Obligation

I having a need to access the documents, premises, proprietary property or other confidential information (hereinafter as “Confidential Information”) of Winbond Electronics Corporation (including its Affiliates, hereinafter as “WEC”).
I acknowledge that the Confidential Information is proprietary to WEC and/or its eligible owners. It shall not be archived, copied, delivered, transmitted, transferred or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, to any third party, or published or put into the public domain without the prior written permission of WEC. Further, I hereby undertake and agree to protect the Confidential Information against unauthorized disclosure by using at least reasonable care and to use the Confidential Information. Once requested by WEC, all Confidential Information shall be returned to WEC without any unreasonable delay.
When visitors complete registration procedure and obtain Winbond’s visitor ID card, it means that the visitors are aware of Winbond’s statement of personal information protection and agree to comply with Winbond’s confidentiality requirements.