Ethics and Integrity

Business Integrity and Human Rights

Winbond values integrity as well as corporate social responsibility, and we hold integrity as the highest ethical standards. The Human Resources Division dedicated to maintaining and enhancing “integrity” as part of company culture through policies making, continuous improvement, supervision over daily operation, and training to the employees. In 2011, 2014 and 2015, Winbond developed the policies of “Code of Corporate Governance”, ”Code of Ethic and Integrity”, “CSR Code of Practice”, “Corporate Social Responsibility Manual” , "Code of Ethics for Board Directors" and "Employee Code of Conduct".
Winbond abides by the international human rights standards such as “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, and align our actions with the “Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct“. We comply with the highest ethical standards, protect and support human rights, which covers Freedom of Association, Collective bargaining, caring for Underprivileged Groups, ban on Child labor, Elimination of all forms of forced labor, and elimination of all forms of discrimination. We also strictly obey related labor laws and regulations, especially paying attention to gender equality, respecting rights to work, and banning discrimination. The personnel system treats every employee equally when it comes to salary, welfare, assessment, promotion, rewards and punishments, training, job placement, termination of contract (and so forth), regardless of their gender, race, skin color, nationality, social ranking, language, thoughts, religion, political affiliation, place of origin, place of birth, sexual orientation, age, marital status, pregnancy, appearance, facial features, disability, or union membership. To assure the aforementioned is informed to the employees, we clearly defines the principles and disciplinary in our work rules.

Furthermore, in order to strengthen the training and promotion of labor human rights, environment protection, health and safety, integrity and ethics, and to make sure the company follows corporate ethics and government laws, and fulfills the guideline of integrity management, we conduct Business Integrity and CSR course annually and the outcome of training is reported to Winbond Board of Director by the Human Resources Division in the fourth quarter every year. The training course for 2021 started in the third quarter (covering topics about insider trading prevention, fair business/advertising/competition, protection of identity and non-retaliation), and further promoted to all our global sites. The global training rate yields in total training hours of 1,425 hours, and the total numbers of trained employees to be 3,563. The training rate reached 100%.

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