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Message from Winbond CEO

COVID-19 has spread all around the world since 2020. As a member of the global village, Winbond is deeply concerned about what people have experienced and is more determined to fight against the pandemic together with the world. Winbond's top priority for responding to pandemic prevention is to first ensure employees' health and safety. We actively implemented several key pandemic prevention measures at the beginning of this pandemic and took care of employees' health in a comprehensive manner.

Facing the uncertain environment in the electronics industry, Winbond adheres to the concept of flexibility and adaptability, and strives to go hand in hand with clients to survive the crisis. We are confident and ready to maintain solid operations as usual. For our suppliers, we pay attention to the inventory digestion cycle and check safety stocks daily; For our clients, we ensure stable supply and provide more flexible services; For our employees, we care their health and safety all the time while making good use of technology to build a friendly work environment. Our pandemic response team keeps track of changes in the pandemic and proposes a plan promptly.

The impact of COVID-19 on human life will be profound and full of uncertainties. Facing the changing environment, Winbond will focus more on its core business, and apply its technological strengths to maintain operational stability. Meanwhile, we will keep seeking innovations and opportunities, and put the vision of “providing sustainable semiconductors technology to enrich human life" into practice as always. We look forward to working with the society to create a sustainable future that ensures corporate stability and social tranquility.

Due to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we’re all under an exceptional situation.
Winbond we stand together with our members, vendors, distributors and valued customers…to face the challenge and fight against the virus.
Stay Safe & Healthy!

How Winbond is solving connectivity problems during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis

The world is confronted with a pandemic challenge never seen before. The shelter-in-place policy has forced most of the workforce to work from home (WFH), which will drive the growth of networking and connectivity products. What are the opportunities and challenges ahead?

A paradigm shift will drive the growth of industrial and embedded networking products

In the near future, demand for networking products and solutions will not come from the data center or enterprises, but instead from the home-based devices needed for WFH and networking services. What are the characteristics/design requirements of these embedded devices and solutions?

“In the future, Winbond will continue to provide customer-oriented services and concentrate our resources on the markets in which we have a competitive advantage.”

How we care of our employees and society

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, Winbond proactively executing strong preventative measures at all global sites:

Working Environment Management
─ All employees are required to conduct body temperature measurement before entering office building.
─ Social distancing and daily self-check survey to all employees to make sure everyone is safe and healthy.
─ Conduct routine sterilization to all working space.

Business Trip & Travel
─ All Winbond sites cancel, postpone or reschedule most of business trips and travels from February 2020.
─ Invest members’ travel and contact history. 14-day self-quarantine is highly recommended if any person had either business or personal travel history.

Remote Working
─ Act in concert with the policy of local government, parts of Winbond global sites now are under Work from Home status.
─ Remote Working are all accepted if any condition applied.

Virtual Meeting
─ Shifting from in-person meeting to online meeting, Winbond applies Microsoft Teams to process internal and external meetings.

─ During the epidemic, social welfare organizations had difficulties in fundraising. Winbond’s employee initiated a donation, we raised nearly NT$ 3 million and donated the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (TFCF) to help vulnerable children.

Contact Winbond

Winbond we deliver good customer services, any related inquiries, please contact Winbond via various channels below: 

Winbond has the advanced software channels and mature virtual meeting equipment in each of global offices, and we apply Microsoft Teams to process internal and external meetings. Customers are highly welcome to visit our local offices for the productively cross-functional online conference with each Winbond offices.

Prevent the Spread of COVID-19


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