(Taipei News)Winbond Electronics Corporation, a leading supplier of semiconductor solutions, today announced the resignation of the Company's CFO & Vice President of Finance Center, Mr. Hui-Ming Cheng. Mr. Cheng is leaving the Company at the end of October 2003 to pursue other interests. He will be taking a position at Taiwan Cellular Corporation.
Mr. Cheng joined Winbond at the end of 2000, serving in the capacity of Winbond's Vice President of Finance Center. During his three-year tenure, Mr. Cheng made significant contributions to the corporation; enhancing the Company's accounting structure and thereby gaining support and recognition from Winbond's institutional investors. As a result of his efforts, Winbond was voted as the ,"Most Improved Company IR in Taiwan" in the Asia Equities Investment Report, hosted by Institutional Investor Research Group in 2002. At the same time, Mr. Cheng was individually honored as, "the Best CFO in Taiwan".
Regarding Mr. Cheng's future plans, the entire Company expresses their very best wishes for his future success.
Wilson Wen
Vice President of Administrative Center
News Liaison
Mike Liu
Deputy Director