Winbond Monthly Revenue Report For December, 1999

Beginning in the second half of 1999, Winbond's market share experienced a dramatic increase. This growth was due to the rapid introduction and customer acceptance of new products. Currently, Winbond's Number 4 and 5 fabs are producing 0.2mm DRAM products. Key products being produced include 64MB and 128MB DRAM. Beginning in the second quarter of 2000, the Company expects to deploy its new production 0.175mm technology to manufacture its 64MB, 128MB and 256MB DRAM products. Production volumes are expected to increase from current production levels of 22,000 wafers/month to 30,000 wafers/month by the end of 2000; an increase of 36 percent. Global business forecasts continue to project strong semiconductor growth throughout 2000. Winbond anticipates that by deploying its breakthrough technology and increasing production capacity, its semiconductor and DRAM products will experience continued strong growth. This projected growth will definitely prove beneficial to the company's bottom line.

Winbond Electronics Corp. Monthly Business Revenue Report (Unit: NT$ 1,000)
Monthly Revenue
Accumulated Revenue
  1999 December 4,020,000 1999 Jan. ~ Dec. 31,000,000
   1998 December 1,850,000 1998 Jan. ~ Dec.  15,600,000
Increase (Decrease) 117,.50% Increase (Decrease) 99.30%



*Please note that this 2000 financial information has not been audited by a CPA.

    Wilson Wen
    Vice President of Administrative Center

News Liaison
    Mike Liu
    Deputy Director

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