Winbond Monthly Revenue Report For September, 2000

(Taipei News) Winbond Electronics Corporation today announced the internal auditing results for September 2000. Revenue for the month of September 2000 was NT $4.762 billion, an increase of 93.86 percent when compared with NT$2.456 billion over the same period last year. The accumulated revenue for January through September 2000 totaled approximately NT $36.838 billion, an increase of more than 90.56 percent when compared with the accumulated revenue of NT $19.332 billion over the same period last year. 

Monthly revenue results for September declined slightly, this can be attributed to the shrinking demand in the PC market and a decrease in pricing for DRAM products. However, the results still reflect a significant increase of 93.86 percent when compared with the same period last year. Within the Company's General IC Business Group, digital audio/video IC products experienced considerable growth due to increased market demand. For the Company's DRAM Business Group, monthly capacity has reached nearly 30,000 wafers per month. Currently, nearly all the production technology is transiting to 0.175 micron in fourth quarter; with the exception of a small portion of capacity that is reserved for specific customers. It is expected that by the end of October, 2000, fully 60 percent of total DRAM output will migrate to 0.175 micron technology. This milestone is expected to substantially reduce product costs within the Company. 

Winbond Electronics Corp. Monthly Business Revenue Report (Unit: NT$ 1,000) 
Monthly Revenue
Accumulated Revenue
2000 September 4,761,679  2000  Jan. ~Sep.  36,838,093
1999  September  2,456,259  1999  Jan. ~Sep. 19,331,597
Increase (Decrease) 93.86% Increase (Decrease) 90.56%




Note (1): *Please note that the results issued herein represent internally generated financial information that has not yet been audited by an independent, third party CPA.



    Wilson Wen
    Vice President of Administrative Center

News Liaison
    Mike Liu
    Deputy Director

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