Winbond Memory Solution for Your Automotive
High Performance QspiNAND taps into explosive growth in demand for automotive memory
Technical Article
Demand for automotive memory is showing explosive growth in recent years as a result of maturing <span class="match">ADAS</span> technology, increasing demand for in-vehicle infotainment systems and automotive displays as well as instrument cluster displays gradually upgrading from conventional 4.5-inch panels to 12.3-inch sm...
Solution for Automotive applications based on the Fourth Generation and its extension version of Low Power DRAM (LPDDR4/4x)
Technical Article
Semiconductor Applications in Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicals Japan announced that it will demonstrate its autonomous vehicle technology during the Tokyo Olympics as the specific demonstration of intelligent automobiles in recent years. Driven by The Fifth Generation Mobile Networks (5G) and Art...
Winbond High Performance QspiNAND Flash Product Brief
Code Storage Flash MemoryProduct Brief
How new diagnostic data and operations equip Flash memory ICs for the demands of automotive functional safety standards
Technical Article
NOR Flash has been a dependable technology in vehicles for many years, and today is used in various automotive systems, including the instrument cluster and in infotainment and telematics systems (see Figure 1). In these applications, this non-volatile memory provides storage capacity for applicatio...
Winbond Electronics Launches a Series of Mobile Memory Products - LPDDR4X targeting at Niche Market
(TAICHUNG CITY, Taiwan –12 September, 2019)-With the driving force of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), ultra-high-resolution display, 5G mobile communication, and IoT, various kinds of new applications are emerging. Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (<span class="match">ADAS</span>), Smart Speakers, 8K ...
QspiNAND with ultra-fast write speed: A new option for over-the-air updating of automotive code
Technical Article
The growth in the number of processor-based Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in cars is a familiar trend. Of equal significance to automotive system architects is the concurrent growth in the code footprint of new and developing applications in the car, a result in part of the increasing implementati...
Winbond at Embedded World 2024
Winbond Automotive Flash Product Brief
Code Storage Flash MemorySerial NOR FlashQspiNAND FlashSLC NAND FlashAutomotiveProduct Brief
https://www.winbond.com/productResource-files/Winbond Automotive Flash Product Brief_EN_2024Q3_v1.pdf
Code Storage Flash Memory - OctalNAND Flash
OctalNAND Flash
The world’s first x8 Octal interface for NAND flash memory, Winbond’s OctalNAND flash enables automotive and industrial manufacturers to provide code storage in high density without having to pay a premium for NOR flash, a fast memory technology which scales poorly at densities above 512Mbits. The f...
Code Storage Flash Memory - Octal NOR Flash
Octal NOR Flash
High bandwidth Octal interface 1.8V NOR Flash in densities from 64Mb to 2Gb Winbond W35T Octal NOR Flash family with the JEDEC xSPI interface offers a combination of high bandwidth, advanced features, and exceptional reliability. Winbond’s Octal NOR Flash delivers the highest synchronous byte-wide (...
Winbond Will Join FMS on Santa Clara Convention Center
Winbond Will Join electronica 2024 on Messe München
[Event Information] electronica 2024: electronica 2024 is a premier global trade show for the electronics industry, featuring innovations in automotive, AI, IoT, and industrial electronics, and uniting industry leaders to explore future trends and solutions. Winbond, in collaboration with PSA (Passi...
Code Storage Flash Memory - Serial NOR Flash
Serial NOR Flash
SpiFlash® Memories with SPI, Dual-SPI, Quad-SPI and QPI Winbond's W25X and W25Q SpiFlash® Multi-I/O Memories feature the popular Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), densities from 512K-bit to 512M-bit, small erasable sectors and the industry's highest performance. The W25X family supports Dual-SPI, e...
The Hidden Security Risks of Automotive Electronic Systems
TrustME®Secure Memory ElementTechnical Article
The Internet of things (IoT) is driving new capabilities that are transforming how we live, work and play. However, as our lives become more connected, the risk from hackers and other security breaches increases with every new IoT device. While most of us are pretty well versed in why we need to kee...
Keyword search results for “ ADAS ”, 33 Matches