
Winbond Announces Monthly Revenue for August

 (Taipei News) Winbond Electronics Corporation today announced the revenue results for the month of August 2007. Revenue for the month was NT$ 2.799 billion, a decrease of approximately 2.15 percent when compared with NT$ 2.861 billion in the previous month. Accumulated revenue for January to August of 2007 was NT$ 22.425 billion, an increase of nearly 11.53 percent when compared with NT$ 20.107 billion over the same period in 2006.

The increasing sales of Specialty and Mobile RAM products were offset by the soft price of DRAM, therefore, the overall revenue of Memory shows a slight decrease. As to the Logic products, Speech ICs and Motherboard Related ICs continued the peak season effect resulting in a stable market demand. The Logic revenue performed equally as last month.

Looking forward to the next month, the demand of consumer products such as PC and Mobile Phone will have sign of growing that may have a positive effect on the revenue. At the present time, the DRAM market demand has recovered slowly, but the price rebound is not very conspicuous. It’s expected that the overall revenue will remain the same.

                                                           Winbond Electronics Corp. Monthly Business Revenue Report (Unit: NT$ 1,000) 

Monthly Revenue
Accumulated Revenue
 2007 August 2,799,486   2007 Jan. ~ Aug. 22,425,178
 2007 July 2,861,112   2006 Jan. ~ Aug.  20,106,840
Increase (Decrease) (2.15)% Increase (Decrease) 11.53%

Note: The 2007 revenue is internal data and has not been audited by a CPA.

    Wilson Wen
    Vice President of Administrative Center

News Liaison
    Mike Liu
    Deputy Director